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    (50) 森林土壤学

    (8) 树木生理学

    (74) 森林生态学

    (143) 森林植物学

    (68) + 林木遗传育种学

    (14) 林木育种学

    (20) 林木遗传学

    (115) 森林培育学

    (130) + 森林经理学

    (11) 林业遥感

    (112) 林业信息管理

    (165) + 森林保护学

    (12) 森林病理学

    (30) 森林昆虫学

    (7) 森林防火学

    (318) 野生动物保护与管理


    (4467) 协会

    (2590) 信息站点

    (1673) 植物园

    (1049) 电子期刊

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    (1701) 动物学

    (1256) 生物学

    (1089) 环境科学

    (855) 林业科学

    (569) 生态学


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    (1300) 英国

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    (704) 澳大利亚

    (341) 中国

    (283) 德国


    (8972) 信息

    (3892) 美国

    (3231) 协会

    (3039) 科学研究

    (2264) 植物学

    (1969) 植物保护

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    1 国际林业研究中心--CIFOR

    • 国际林业研究中心--CIFOR_mycifor-logo-right.jpg
          (一)性质、宗旨和任务    国际林业研究中心(The Center for International Forestry Research ,CIFOR)致力于发展中国家可持续性发展,特别是在热带地区国家发展方面,通过森林系统与林业合作计划与应用研究及有关行动,促进新技术的转移和社会组织的重新分配。其目标是:为确保森林与森林土地的平衡管理提供科学基础;为持续利用、管理森林产品和为制定政策与技术服务;研究支持政策与优化利用森林与森林土地新技术,加强国家能力。   (二)组织机构   国际林业研究中心是在国际农业研究磋商组织(CGAIR)的指导下创建的,是CGAIR的最新机构,它的合作伙伴是发展中国家的国家研究机构,也包括CGAIR的其他组织,它的原则是承担CGAIR的林业议程,项目集中于保护、恢复和森林可持续利用等方面,主要承担全球社会、环境、经济衰退的后果及森林减少问题的研究。主要研究机构与个别发达国家将被认为是上下级合作关系。在一些国家的热带森林地区也有一些合作关系。   (三)主要活动   1.研究计划   计划1:砍伐森林的根本原因,森林减少的原因,在森林极限区贫困的原因;   计划2:森林生态系统管理;   计划3:森林自然资源的管理;   计划4:评估森林可持续能力的管理,即测试衡量标准与标记物;   计划5:在衰退和低势地区造林;   计划6:生物多样性的保护和遗传资源的保护;   计划7:当地生活群体的管理与发展;   计划8:非木材林产品的持续利用与发展;   计划9:研究影响信息与能力的建立;   计划10:政策与全球变化。   2.计划项目   可持续森林经营的标准标签是国际林业研究中心的一个计划项目,验证森林经营的主要因子即生物量、社会经济与政策标签,提供森林可持续发展的信息。标准标签的用户使用范围是:组织者希望得到评价木材经营证明、官方提出林业可持续能力的政策及有关内容、慈善机构评价各种自然资源经营的持续能力、森林经营者等待提高森林经营可持续能力、项目管理者评价保护与发展计划项目、科学家研究在林业生态学与人类可持续能力之间的因果关系。   3.动植物分布地图新Windows软件   这个软件包包含研究区域的环境资料和一张相似品种初级范畴的地图,让投资者探索如何生存,计算这个区域内的变化能力,有利于帮助计划与查新。   4.C&I最新消息简报   它是由国际林业研究中心发行的季刊,由欧洲联盟与德国技术合作公司共同资助的。它作为一种手段传播有关的项目,交流与标准标签有关的信息,刊登短文、技术报道、即将发生的事件、即将举行的会议通告及各种评论等。 CIFOR is an international research and global knowledge institution committed to conserving forests and improving the livelihoods of people in the tropics. CIFOR's high impact research helps local communities and small farmers gain their rightful share of forest resources, while increasing the production and value of forest products. The challenge Hundreds of millions of people rely on forests for their survival. Around the world, tropical forests yield everything from food and medicinal plants, to fibre and building materials. Tropical forests are among the world's most diverse ecosystems, supporting millions of different species of animals and plants. Yet every year 13 million hectares are destroyed, an area the size of Greece. One of the most urgent tasks facing humankind is how to save the forests, while ensuring they still provide timber, food and a living for those who depend on them. This need and a call by the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro for more authoritative forestry knowledge led to the 1993 creation of CIFOR by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research-an association of governments and private foundations. Research CIFOR's three research programmes address the needs of the rural poor as well as environmental concerns: Environmental services and sustainable use of forests oversees research on biodiversity, carbon, fires, watershed functions, and the sustainable management and harvesting of forest products. Forest governance examines the process of making and implementing decisions about the management of forests by people and organizations beyond the scale of the individual household or small enterprise. Forests and livelihoods closely investigates how forest resources and their management, use and trade contribute to the livelihoods of the rural and urban poor.
      英文名称:The Center for International Forestry Research(CIFOR)

    2 加拿大圣诞树栽培者协会

    • 加拿大圣诞树栽培者协会_noel.gif
        Our Mission The mission of the Canadian Christmas Tree Growers Association consists of providing services to assist members in the effective utilization of resources and to ensure a stable growth of the industry in the common interest of the consumers and producers. Our Objectives The Association will: bring appropriate governmental organizations to work toward the betterment of the Canadian Christmas tree growers. provide members with necessary and essential information concerning federal changes and initiatives which may affect or enhance their activities. help Christmas tree growers to develop the domestic and international markets.
      英文名称:Canadian Christmas Tree Growers Association

    3 美国植物分类学家学会--ASPT

    • 美国植物分类学家学会--ASPT_ASPT.gif
        The American Society of Plant Taxonomists promotes research and teaching in the taxonomy, systematics, and phylogeny of vascular and nonvascular plants. Organized in 1935, the Society has a membership of over 1300. The Society publishes the quarterly journal Systematic Botany, an electronic ASPT Newsletter, and Systematic Botany Monographs. Abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting are published with those of the Botanical Society of America and are mailed to members of the Botanical Society each July, preceding the annual meeting in August. For more information on the Society and its activities, see: Structure/Governance - ASPT Bylaws
      英文名称:American Society of Plant Taxonomists(ASPT)

    4 美国马里兰州园艺学会

    • 美国马里兰州园艺学会_Hort-Society-MD.gif
        The Horticultural Society of Maryland is a not- for- profit membership organization founded for the purpose of providing education for all people in the field of horticultural arts and sciences and providing a place for the exchange of ideas among gardening enthusiasts young and old, novice and expert, the serious student or for the purely-pleasure gardener. Our membership currently stands at 600. The organization is directed by the Board of Directors, Officers, and a host of volunteers from committee chairpersons to behind the scenes workers who give countless hours of their time and advice to produce all the events to learn from and enjoy..
      英文名称:Horticultural Society of Maryland

    5 克罗地亚环境局

    • 克罗地亚环境局_4705163.jpg
        The Croatian Environment Agency has the obligation to analyse and interpret the environmental data collected and provide the information necessary to implement the environmental policy efficiently to the state administration, the Government and the Parliament. In addition to these basic tasks, the Agency is active on a much wider scale as it takes a pro-active part in planning and development of new environmental protection forms and follow-up of the environmental action plans and projects.- Harmonisation and co-ordination of data forms and information systems;- Co-ordination and planning of all parts of the system: (i) defining the need for measurement of individual parameters (indicators),(ii) method definition/review, (iii) measurement planning – frequency, institutions, financing, and the like, (iv) setting up the measurement and data processing Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) System, (v) information system levels of data submittal and exchange, (vi) legal background for data accessibility definition,- Data/information management co-ordination on different levels: general public/scientific community/bodies comprising the information system /state and administrative bodies,- Development of neutral reports, not for any particular ministry, by individual topics (by themes, regions, indicator impacts, etc.).
      英文名称:Croatian Environment Agency

    6 西班牙《动物多样性和保护》

    • 西班牙《动物多样性和保护》_ABCSP.gif
        An international journal devoted to the study and conservation of animal biodiversity Zoology has experienced in recent years many changes and specializations, and new disciplines have arosen, from Evolutionary Ecology to Molecular Systematics. Additionally, Conservation Biology is increasingly becoming a subject of main importance with a growing interest. To cope with the demands of modern zoologists, the Natural Science Museum of Barcelona decided in 2000 to change the title and structure of its former journal Miscel.lània Zoològica, published since 1958, to become the new Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. With this we intended to fullfil an empty space in Spanish journals, but also to provide zoologists with a proper international forum to publish their papers. The scope of the journal is wide, including descriptions of new species, and studies on systematics, morphology, biogeography, ecology, ethology, physiology and genetics, to some point stressing the relevance of the study to Conservation Biology. The journal publishes original research papers, reviews and comments on any aspect and level within this scope. The only restriction is that the journal do not publishes catalogues, lists of species (with no other relevance) or punctual records.
      英文名称:Animal Biodiversity and Conservation

    7 哥斯达黎加《热带生物学杂志》

    • 哥斯达黎加《热带生物学杂志》_RDBT.gif
        The Revista de Biología Tropical offers authors and readers:Stringent peer reviewing: The acceptance rate, close to 50 %, allows a careful selection of papers by importance and subject. The two organs of evaluation and support, the Editorial Board and the International Scientific Board (see inside cover) have world class experts of renown. Compared-approach studies of general interest are given priority over more technical, single-subject oriented papers.True international circulation: The printed version of the journal is found in libraries of 64 countries where there is a significant scientific activity. The Journal is also available for millions of Internet users through World Wide Web, both through companies such as UnCover and University Microfilms International, as through the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) network sites in North Carolina and Costa Rica. High impact: If you consult from specialized papers to serious books on the Neotropics, you will frequently find the Journal cited as a source of information, and it is covered in key references such as Biological Abstracts, Zoological Record, Current Contents, Bulletin Signaletique and Internet’s WorldWideWeb. 1. The Revista de Biología Tropical is part of the “scientific mainstream” according to the Institute for Scientific Information and mantains a high level of quality by judging manuscripts solely on scientific merit. We encourage authors to suggest possible reviewers and to include copies of the opinion letters of colleagues who read the draft previous to submission. 2. The journal discourages submission of unnecessarily subdivided reports of a single study. Similarly, the number of authors is expected to correlate with the amount of work required by the contribution. A covering letter signed by all authors must accompany new manuscripts. 3. We will acknowledge reception as soon as your paper arrives. Every manuscript is reviewed by the Editorial Board and at least two internationally recognized specialists. If you do not receive the review after two months, inform the editor. 4. Senior authors of main articles will receive 75 free reprints (additional reprints can be ordered with proofs). Excess pages will be charged a fee. Submission of long monographs and supplements requires previous consultation with the Editor. Announcements must be received eight months before planned publication. Files are discarded three months after publication, we cannot accept responsability afterwards. Mission Original articles on tropical organisms, or resulting from studies with direct bearing on the tropics in the following fields: ecology, ethology, morphology biosystemats, palentology, genetic, physiology, biomedicine and microbiology. 《热带生物学杂志》刊载热带生物学领域的学术论文。用英文、西班牙文发表。附有增刊。
      英文名称:Revista de Biología Tropical

    8 希腊《生物学研究杂志》--JBR

    • 希腊《生物学研究杂志》--JBR_JBR.gif
        The Editors of Journal of Biological Research (JBR) invite and will consider for publication original contributions to the following fields of research: morphology anatomy cytology genetics molecular biology development & differentiation taxonomy microbiology physiology evolutionary biology human biology behaviour ecology conservation & management of ecosystems Although JBR is published biannually, all papers will appear as PDF files in the journal's site after their acceptance for publication.
      英文名称:Journal of Biological Research(JBR)

    9 美国《生物地理学》--BG

    • 美国《生物地理学》--BG_cover_bg.jpg
        Biogeosciences (BG) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. The objective of the journal is to cut across the boundaries of established sciences and achieve an interdisciplinary view of these interactions. Experimental, conceptual and modelling approaches are welcome. Biogeosciences covers the following fields: Biodiversity and ecosystem function Evolutionary ecology Environmental microbiology Biogeochemistry and global elemental cycles Biogeochemistry and gas exchange Biomineralization, microbial weathering and sedimentation Interactions between microbes, organic matter sediments and rocksBiogeophysics Earth system sciences and response to global changes Paleogeobiology, including origin and evolution of life, evolution of the biosphere, sedimentary records, and the development and use of proxies Astrobiology and Exobiology Biogeosciences has an innovative two-stage publication process which involves a scientific discussion forum and exploits the full potential of the Internet to: foster scientific discussion enhance the effectiveness and transparency of scientific qualty assurance; enable rapid publication; make scientific publications freely accessible.

    10 南亚区域环境评估协会--SAREAA

    • 南亚区域环境评估协会--SAREAA_SAREAA.jpg
        This web site carries information on the professional network of EIA (Environment Impact Assesment) Practitioners in South Asia. This network is the result of some recent efforts by IUCN, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Netherlands EIA Commission. These efforts have led to the creation of the following National EA Associations: National EA Association of Bangladesh (NEAB) National EA Association of Nepal (NEAAN) Pakistan EA Association (PEAA) Sri Lanka EA Association (SLEAA) Indian National Environment Assessment Association Other countries where similar national EA associations are expected to be formed include Bhutan and Maldives. For the purpose of professional coordination and harmonization of efforts, these national associations form a confederation called SAREAA (South Asian Regional Environment Assessment Association). Support Structure The current project (1999-2000) supporting the above activities is being implemented by the Regional Environment Assessment Program, IUCN-Asia. Monetary support for this work comes from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the additional technical support is provided by the Netherlands EIA Commission. Objective The main purpose of the effort is to build the environment assessment capacity of the South Asian countries through establishing and strengthening an independent institutional network that promotes an effective use of impact assessment techniques for integrating environment and development.
      英文名称:South Asian Regional Environment Assessment Association(SAREAA)
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